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The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) has advised that the new National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 is now available.
The NCC incorporates all three Volumes of Australia’s building and plumbing codes into one convenient document, making it easier than ever before for builders to stay up-to-date with regulations.
Most changes come into effect on 1st May 2023 so you have plenty of time to prepare your projects accordingly.
Some of the major changes in NCC 2022 include:
- Consistent structure and clause referencing system across all three volumes
- New Housing Provisions Standard to support the new NCC structure
- Amended provisions for the fire safety of external walls, including requirements that bonded laminate panels be mechanically fixed
- Enhanced waterproofing and weatherproofing provisions
- Enhanced provisions for residential energy efficiency and condensation management
- New requirements to facilitate the future installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in car parks
- Adoption of the latest edition, or updated editions, of a range of Australian Standards and other referenced documents.
The NCC 2022 was released on 1st May 2021 and contains new requirements for livable housing that will impact the construction of new homes in Australia. These provisions are designed to ensure that new homes are safe, comfortable and accessible for all occupants. However, these provisions will not apply in NSW.
Therefore, builders in NSW will not be required to comply with these provisions when constructing new homes.
In New South Wales, the Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) regulates the energy efficiency and thermal performance of new residential buildings. BASIX standards will be increased from 1 October 2023, meaning that new buildings will need to meet higher energy efficiency and thermal performance standards.
This is good news for the environment and for the future of sustainable building in NSW. The increased standards will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy, leading to a cleaner and healthier planet. In addition, the increased standards will also help to improve the liveability of new buildings, making them more comfortable and efficient places to live. The Building Sustainability Index is an important tool in the fight against climate change, and the increased standards from 2023 will help to make a real difference.
Yes, certain provisions of NCC 2022 will be subject to the following transitional arrangements:
- New energy efficiency and condensation mitigation requirements commence on 1 October 2023
- New lead-free plumbing product requirements commence on 1 September 2025.
These transitional arrangements will allow practitioners to continue using the relevant provisions in NCC 2019 Amendment 1 until the end of the relevant transition period.
Fair Trading have been working together with SafeWork NSW inspectors to ensure quality, compliance and on-site safety in apartment developments.
To date, most of the class 2 building audits have involved new construction. However, audits of design and construction work on existing buildings are just as important. Fair Trading’s role is to ensure the safety and amenity of all residents.
Fair Trading is planning to start Design and Building Practitioner (DBP) audits on high-risk remedial projects, including upgrades. They are particularly interested in work that might be wrongly labelled as ‘exempt development’.
If you’re a builder doing class 2 work, make sure that:
- The work being done as ‘exempt development’ (not needing any development approval) meets all the criteria under the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP), in particular:
- If there are no declared designs, that meets the exemption criteria in the Design and Building Practitioners Regulation 2021.
Keep in mind that any work that involves waterproofing or multiple apartments is not likely to be exempt.
While compliance is important, it’s not the only reason for audits on remedial work. Fair trading uses audits to provide information on gaps in education, raise awareness, increase practitioner capability and drive continual improvement for industry.
- The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) has advised that the new National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 is now available.
- Most changes come into effect on 1st May 2023 so you have plenty of time to prepare your projects accordingly.
- NSW will not be required to comply with the livable housing provisions when constructing new homes.
- BASIX standards will be increased from 1 October 2023, meaning that new buildings will need to meet higher energy efficiency and thermal performance standards.
- Certain provisions of NCC 2022 will be subject to the following transitional arrangements.
- Fair Trading have been working together with SafeWork NSW inspectors to ensure quality, compliance and on-site safety in apartment developments
- Fair Trading is planning to start Design and Building Practitioner (DBP) audits on high-risk remedial projects, including upgrades.